Monday, May 26, 2014

Aloe Vera Soap Recipe

Aloe Vera is the most prestigious herb used for skin care. It contains almost 20 amino acids, minerals like calcium, magnesium and sodium in sufficient quantities, enzymes, vitamins, polysaccharides, nitrogen and other components that make it a miracle beauty herb.

Aloe Vera Soap Recipe

  • 14.9 oz coconut oil
  • 13.4 oz olive oil
  • 10.5 oz lard
  • 2.5 oz shea butter
  • 9.6 oz g aloe gel and water purée (add water to the aloe till you reach 9.6 oz total)
  • 6.7 oz lye (NaOH)
  • 9.9 oz water
Follow standard soap making procedures: carefully add lye to the water and while it cools, heat up the oils until melted. When roughly around the same temperature, add the lye mixture to the oils, then add the aloe gel before trace. Mix well until the mixture thickens to the point of trace. Pour into mold, insulate and let it set for 24 to 48 hours. Unmold, cut and let the soaps curing in a cookie rack for at least 4 weeks.

Note: If you use aloe from your own plant – be sure to harvest only the clear gel from the leaves!

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