Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Rainbow Chicken Salad with Almond Honey Mustard Dressing

One thing I love: this dressing, which I am still licking off my fingers as I type this. TMI?

One thing I Do Not Like: when I have to stay home alone. Example –> when Bjork goes on work trips.

He got invited to go to an affiliate conference with a friend, so, you know, they spent a few days having nice dinners and shaking peoples’ hands. The life of a conference-goer.

I took care of the new old house for a few days. Just me, myself, and the horrendously mysterious creaking house noises coming from the basement. I know you’re down there, house monster.

It shouldn’t be a big deal. I mean, our neighborhood is very safe (confidently stated as a totally naive new-to-the-neighborhood person), our doors have rusty but functional locks, and my phone is attached to my body with 911 at the ready. Just kidding // sort of.

There are even some secretly awesome things about being home alone that I try to appreciate, like getting lots of work done. *wheee* Or watching husband-prohibited shows like Extreme Couponing on Netflix. Or having access to all the blankets at all times, or only having to wash one set of dishes, or mostly just eating the healthy fettuccine alfredo all-by-my-self. ALMOST worth it.

But no matter how much fettuccine alfredo I get out of the deal, I loathe the whole staying home alone thing.

I am either

a) so madly in love with the man that I can’t stand staying here without him,

b) a paranoid crazy person, or

c) in desperate need of a dog.

Correct answer – D. All of the above. And throw a healthy salad in there, too. That will most definitely help the cause.

And now, for a few words on Rainbow Salad.

This Rainbow Salad has fruit. How do you feel about fruit in salad? Red grapes, blueberries, and that kinda thing? I feel reeeeeal good about it. Like juicy fresh yum yum. Also noteworthy is the golden brown chicken. It was simple and delicious and I it makes me happy that I wasn’t pretending to be a vegetarian while putting at all together. Add in some crunchy almonds, creamy tangy feta, and the gang’s all there. Almost.

As if I need to even tell you, the crown jewel of this salad is the dressing. It’s made with almond butter for a incredibly smooth and creamy texture, plus it has the perfect sweet and tangy taste of a homemade honey mustard. It’s my favorite dressing that I’ve made this year, which puts us at one for one. It was just superdelicious.

Eat the rainbow, yo.

Check out the full recipe at